
Endpoint URL:

Returns data ALF holds about Contacts in relevant companies. This includes contacts working for Advertisers and Agencies.

OData relations

Expandable entities

These can be fetched along with the Contact data using OData's $expand option.

Related entities

These require a separate API request based on a single contact. If you know the JobId of a Contact you are interested in, you can fetch related data using URL in the format:{JobId})/{Relation}

Field Specifications

Key field(s): JobId

To fetch details for one Contact using the key field(s), call the endpoint with URL in format: /odata/Contacts({JobId})

Show Fields Hide Fields
Field Data Type Description
JobId Integer Unique ID for a Contact's Job role.
PersonId Integer Unique ID for a Contact's personal details. A person can have more than 1 Job in the ALF database.
Title String Contact's title, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Dr, Prof etc.
FirstName String Contact's first name.
LastName String Contact's last name.
JobTitle String Contact's job title.
CompanyType String Type of Company Contact works for. Will be either 'Advertiser' or 'Agency'.
CompanyId Integer Unique ID for the Company the Contact works for.
CompanyName String Name of Company the Contact works for.
Telephone String Contact's office telephone number. If Company is registered with CTPS, this will be NULL
Email String Contact's email address.
Address1 String Line 1 of contact's office address.
Address2 String Line 2 of contact's office address.
Address3 String Line 3 of contact's office address.
Address4 String Line 4 of contact's office address.
Town String Town contact's office is based in.
PostCode String Postcode of contact's office address.
CountyName String County contact's office is based in.
RegionName String Region contact's office is based in.
TVRegion String TV Region contact's office is based in.
CountryCode String ISO2 Country Code of contact's office.
TwitterUrl String The Contact's Twitter page if available.
LinkedInUrl String The Contact's LinkedIn page if available.
DateUpdated DateTime Date this Contact was last updated by the ALF Research team.

Job Functions

Job Functions are expandable, so you can fetch them with Contact data in one request like this:$expand=JobFunctions

You can also fetch them for one contact in this format:{JobId})/JobFunctions

This will only return the Job Functions data.

Field Specifications

Key field(s): JobId, JobCode

To fetch details for one Job Function using the key field(s), call the endpoint with URL in format: /odata/JobFunctions({JobId}, {JobCode})

Show Fields Hide Fields
Field Data Type Description
JobId Integer Unique ID for a Contact's Job role.
JobCode String Unique ID for a Job Function.
JobFunction String The Job Function name.
DateUpdated DateTime Date this Contact Job Function was last updated by the ALF Research team.


You can fetch the brands a Contact is responsible for with a URL in this format:{JobId})/Brands

Field Specifications

Key field(s): BrandId

To fetch details for one Brand using the key field(s), call the endpoint with URL in format: /odata/Brands({BrandId})

Show Fields Hide Fields
Field Data Type Description
BrandId Integer Unique ID for a Brand.
BrandName String The name of the Brand.
CompanyId Integer Unique ID for the Company that owns the Brand.
CompanyName String The name of the Company that owns the Brand.
BrandCategoryCode String Unique ID for the Brand Category
BrandCategoryName String The name of the Brand Category
BrandParentCategoryCode String Unique ID for the Brand Parent Category
BrandParentCategoryName String The name of the Brand Parent Category
SpendRank Integer The rank of the Brand ordered by Total Rolling Spend
TotalBrandSpend Decimal The current Total Rolling Spend for the Brand in GBP.
TwitterUrl String The Brand's Twitter page if available.
FacebookUrl String The Brand's Facebook page if available.
DateUpdated String Date this Brand was last updated by the ALF Research team.


You can fetch the Company a Contact works for with a URL in this format:{JobId})/Company

Field Specifications

Key field(s): CompanyId

To fetch details for one Company using the key field(s), call the endpoint with URL in format: /odata/Companies({CompanyId})

Show Fields Hide Fields
Field Data Type Description
CompanyId Integer Unique ID for a Company.
CompanyName String The name of the Company.
CompanyType String The type of the Company. This will be either 'Advertiser' or 'Agency'.
CategoryCode String Unique code for the Company Category.
CategoryName String The name of the Company Category.
Employees Integer Number of employees at the Company.
ImmediateParentCompanyName String Immediate Parent Company, if applicable.
UltimateParentCompanyName String Ultimate Parent Company, if applicable.
TotalRollingSpend Decimal The current Total Rolling Spend for the Company in GBP (Advertisers only).
RollingSpendRank Integer The rank of the Company ordered by Total Rolling Spend (Advertisers only).
CategoryRollingSpendRank Integer The rank of the Company ordered by Total Rolling Spend within Companies of the same Category (Advertisers only).
DeclaredBillings Decimal Billings (in GBP) as declared by the Company (Agencies only).
NielsenBillings Decimal Billings (in GBP) as sourced by Nielsen (Agencies only).
TwitterUrl String The Company's Twitter page if available.
FacebookUrl String The Company's Facebook page if available.
LinkedInUrl String The Company's LinkedIn page if available.
DateUpdated DateTime Date this Company was last updated by the ALF Research team.